Function useQuests

  • Custom React hook to manage quests data.


    • params: {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = {}

      Parameters to be passed to the API when fetching quests.

      • [key: string]: any

    Returns UseQuestsReturn

    The returning object contains:

    • fetched: Boolean indicating whether the quests have been fetched from the API.
    • quests: List of quests with extended functionality.
    • refresh: FetchQuestsMethod Function to refresh the quests. Takes an optional quiet boolean.

    Implementation Details

    • State Management: It maintains local state using useState to store the quests and a fetched status.
    • Quest Extension: The extendQuests function augments each quest with additional methods (complete, delete, push).
    • Fetching Quests: The fetchQuests method retrieves quests from the API, applies caching, and extends them with additional methods.
    • State Updates: Updates to individual quests are managed using updateQuestState, which ensures state consistency.
    • Updating Quests: The pushQuest method updates a quest via the API and refreshes the local state.
    • Deleting Quests: The deleteQuest method removes a quest via the API and updates local state to exclude it.
    • Completing Quests: The complete method marks a quest as complete and clears relevant cached data.
    • Automatic Fetching: A useEffect is used to automatically fetch quests when the params change.


    import { useQuests } from 'react-playmakers';

    const QuestComponent = () => {
    const { fetched, quests, refresh } = useQuests({ key: 'example' });

    if (!fetched) return <div>Loading...</div>;

    return (
    { => (
    <li key={}>
    <button onClick={() => quest.complete({ creatorId:
    <button onClick={quest.delete}>Delete</button>
    <button onClick={() => quest.push({ name: 'Updated Quest Name' })}>Update</button>
    <button onClick={() => refresh()}>Refresh Quests</button>

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