• Custom React hook to manage and fetch a user's quest data.


    • Optional id: string

      The identifier of the user's quest to fetch. If not provided, the hook does nothing.

    Returns UseUserQuestReturn

    The returning object contains:

    • userQuest: The current user quest object. It is null if the user quest has not been fetched or does not exist.
    • fetched: Boolean indicating whether the user quest has been successfully fetched.
    • refresh: fetchUserQuestMethod - function to refetch the user quest.


    import { useUserQuest } from 'react-playmakers';

    const UserQuestComponent: React.FC = () => {
    const { userQuest, fetched, refresh } = useUserQuest('UQXXXXXXX');

    useEffect(() => {
    if (fetched && userQuest) {
    console.log("User quest fetched:", userQuest);
    }, [fetched, userQuest]);

    const handleRefresh = () => {

    return (
    <h1>User Quest</h1>
    {fetched ? (
    userQuest ? (
    <p>Quest Name: {userQuest.name}</p>
    <p>Quest Description: {userQuest.description}</p>
    ) : (
    <p>No quest found.</p>
    ) : (
    <button onClick={handleRefresh}>Refresh Quest</button>

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