๐๏ธ Introduction
This is the specification of the PlayMakers API in OpenAPI 3.1.0.
๐๏ธ Roles & Permissions
These are the Roles And Permissions Policies of PlayMakers API
๐๏ธ Asset
8 items
๐๏ธ Authentication
5 items
๐๏ธ Badge
6 items
๐๏ธ Category
5 items
๐๏ธ Comment
6 items
๐๏ธ Miscellaneous
2 items
๐๏ธ Notification
4 items
๐๏ธ Project
6 items
๐๏ธ Quest
18 items
๐๏ธ Referral
2 items
๐๏ธ Reward
13 items
๐๏ธ Schema
7 items
๐๏ธ Submission
10 items
๐๏ธ Tag
1 item
๐๏ธ User
15 items
๐๏ธ Vote
5 items
๐๏ธ Webhook
4 items