• Custom hook to manage and interact with submissions.


    • submissionIds: string[] = []

      An optional array of submission IDs to fetch.

    • params: {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = {}

      Optional parameters to filter submissions (e.g., schemaId, state, ownerId, limit, page).

      • [key: string]: any

    Returns UseSubmissionsValue

    The returning object contains:

    • submissions: The list of submissions currently fetched.
    • approveAll: Function to approve all submissions in the current list.
    • refresh: Function to refresh the list of submissions by re-fetching them from the backend. Pass quiet to suppress loading indicators.
    • rejectAll: Function to reject all submissions in the current list.
    • fetchMore: Function to fetch additional submissions beyond the current list. Pass refresh to indicate whether to refresh the existing list.
    • fetched: Boolean indicating whether the list of submissions has been fetched from the backend.
    • hasMore: Boolean indicating whether there are more submissions available to fetch.
    • currentPage: The current page of submissions that has been fetched.

    Implementation Details:

    • Error Handling: Errors during fetch operations are logged to the console for debugging and may trigger retries or fallback mechanisms.
    • State Management: The hook maintains internal state (fetched, hasMore currentPage) to optimize UI updates and avoid unnecessary fetches.
    • Bulk Actions: Includes utility methods like approveAll and rejectAll to perform bulk updates on all currently loaded submissions.
    • Caching: API responses are optionally cached to minimize redundant network requests, improving performance during pagination or refresh operations.
    • Effect Trigger: A useEffect hook is used to trigger the initial data fetch and handle dependencies like project IDs or filter parameters.


    import { useSubmissions } from 'react-playmakers';

    const SubmissionsComponent = () => {
    const { submissions, fetchMore, approveAll, rejectAll } = useSubmissions([], {limit: 10,
    state: "submitted"});

    useEffect(() => {
    // Perform an initial fetch of submissions when the component mounts
    }, []);

    return (
    {submissions.map((submission) => (
    <li key={submission.id}>
    <button onClick={() => submission.approve("Looks good!")}>Approve</button>
    <button onClick={() => submission.reject("Needs changes.")}>Reject</button>
    <button onClick={approveAll}>Approve All</button>
    <button onClick={rejectAll}>Reject All</button>
    <button onClick={fetchMore}>Load More</button>

    export default SubmissionsComponent;

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