Function useSubmissionsByParams

  • Custom React hook to fetch and manage submissions based on specified parameters.

    This hook is a wrapper around the useSubmissions hook, allowing submissions to be filtered or fetched directly based on the provided params.


    • params: SubmissionParams

      Params object contains query parameters to filter or fetch submissions:

      • projectId: The ID of the project to which the submissions belong.
      • schemaId: The ID of the schema used for filtering submissions.
      • state: The state(s) of the submissions to filter by. Can be a single state or an array of states.
      • ownerId: The ID of the owner to filter submissions by.
      • limit: The maximum number of submissions to fetch in a single query. Useful for pagination.
      • page: The page number to fetch when paginating through submissions. Typically used alongside limit.

    Returns UseSubmissionsValue

    The returning object contains:

    • submissions: The filtered list of submissions, which includes only submissions that match the specified params.
    • approveAll: Fucntion to approve all submissions in the current list.
    • refresh: Function to refresh the list of submissions by re-fetching them from the backend. Pass quiet to suppress loading indicators.
    • rejectAll: Function to reject all submissions in the current list.
    • fetchMore: Function to fetch additional submissions beyond the current list. Pass refresh to indicate whether to refresh the existing list.
    • fetched: Boolean indicating whether the list of submissions has been fetched from the backend.
    • hasMore: Boolean indicating whether there are more submissions available to fetch.
    • currentPage: The current page of submissions that has been fetched.

    Implementation Details:

    • Parameterized Fetching: Uses the provided params to fetch submissions that match specific criteria (e.g., state, schemaId, ownerId, etc.).
    • Integration with useSubmissions: Delegates the functionality to useSubmissions, passing an empty initial list and the params object for filtered fetching.
    • State Management: Inherits state management and utility methods from the useSubmissions hook, including pagination (fetchMore), refreshing (refresh), and bulk actions (approveAll, rejectAll).
    • Error Handling: Errors during the fetch process are logged via useSubmissions and can be handled or surfaced as needed.

    Example Usage:

    import { useSubmissionsByParams } from 'react-playmakers';

    const SubmissionsList = () => {
    const params = {
    state: "published",
    schemaId: "sXXXXXXXX",
    limit: 10,
    const { submissions, fetchMore, refresh, fetched } = useSubmissionsByParams(params);

    if (!fetched) {
    return <div>Loading submissions...</div>;

    return (
    { => (
    <div key={}>{}</div>
    <button onClick={() => fetchMore()}>Load More</button>
    <button onClick={() => refresh(false)}>Refresh</button>

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