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Create a new project



Create a new project



The details of the project to create

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 32 characters

    Name of the project

    platform string

    Platform for the project

    hidden boolean

    Indicates if the project is hidden or visible

    gameEngine string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    The game engine used for the project

    numMonthlyUsers integer

    Number of monthly users


Project successfully created


    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 32 characters

    Name of the project

    platform string

    Platform for the project

    config objectnullable

    Configuration settings for the project

    hidden boolean

    Indicates if the project is hidden or visible

    id string

    Unique identifier for Project

    gameEngine string

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    The game engine used for the project

    thumbnail urinullable

    URL to the project's thumbnail image

    numMonthlyUsers integer

    Number of monthly users


    Unique identifier of the owner

    createdAt date-time

    Time representation of Project creation
