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Get all assets of a schema



Get all assets of a schema


Path Parameters

    schemaId schemaIdrequired

    The schemaId to grab data about

Query Parameters

    type assetType

    The type of the assets to grab

    matchTags boolean

    Whether to get the assets that match the schema tags (coming from project and global assets)


List of assets for Schema


  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Asset name

    url string

    Asset URL

    schemaId schemaId (string)

    Unique identifier for Schema

    type string
    data string

    Asset data

    id string

    Unique identifier for Asset

    tags string[]

    Asset tags

    projectId projectId (string)

    Unique identifier for Project

    createdAt date-time

    Time representation of Asset creation

    description string

    Asset description

  • ]
