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Get all submissions of userId, filter by projectId, state



Get all submissions of userId, filter by projectId, state


Query Parameters

    projectId string
    state string

    Possible values: [draft, pendingValidation, submitted, approved, rejected, pendingClaim, rewarded, claimed]


Submissions successfully retrieved


  • Array [

  • creatorDisplayThumbnailData string

    Thumbnail data

    postTitle string

    Submission title

    createdAt date-time

    Submission creation time

    description string

    Submission description

    data string

    Structural data about the submission

    schemaId stringrequired

    Unique identifier for Schema

    name string

    Submission name

    thumbnail string

    Thumbnail image relative to the submission

    computation string

    Computation technique

    state string

    Possible values: [draft, pendingValidation]

    State in which the submission is

    source string

    Submission source

    commentCount integer

    Integer representing amount of comments on submission

    id string

    Unique submission identifier

    ownerId string

    Unique identifier of the owner

    voteCount integer

    Integer representing amount of votes on submission

  • ]
