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Retrieve a webhook by its ID



Retrieve a webhook by its ID


Path Parameters

    webhookId stringrequired

    The unique ID of the webhook to retrieve.


Webhook retrieved successfully


    url urirequired

    The URL to which the webhook will send event data.

    id string

    Unique identifier of the webhook

    resource stringrequired

    Possible values: [schema]

    Resource to attach the webhook to

    eventType stringrequired

    Possible values: [submission_approved]

    Event type that triggers the webhook.

    resourceId stringrequired

    Identifier of the resource to attach webhook to

    createdAt date-time

    Time representation of entity creation

    headers string

    Custom headers to include in the webhook request, such as authentication tokens.

    projectId string

    Unique identifier of the project to which webhook is related

    body string

    The body for the webhook request, supporting variables.
