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Update a quest



Update a quest


Path Parameters

    questId questIdrequired

    The questId to update


Quest data

    name questName (string)

    Possible values: <= 64 characters

    Name of the quest

    prerequisites questId (string)[]nullable
    refereeQuestId stringnullable
    state stringnullable
    periodic stringnullable
    data string

    Possible values: >= 2 characters

    description string

    Possible values: <= 3000 characters

    userQuestsLimit integernullable
    points integer

    Possible values: <= 1000000


Quest successfully updated


    questTypeId stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the QuestType

    descriptions string

    Detailed descriptions of the different stages/applications of the quest

    projectId projectId (string)required

    Unique identifier for Project

    userQuestsLimit integer

    Maximum allowed number of times for the quest to be completed by a single user

    points integerrequired

    Possible values: <= 1000000

    The amount of points you gain after finishing the quest

    thumbnail stringnullable

    URL to the quest's thumbnail image

    createdAt date-time

    Time representation of entity creation

    myUserQuestCount integer

    Number of times this quest has been completed by the current user

    name questName (string)required

    Possible values: <= 64 characters

    Name of the quest

    refereeQuestId stringnullable

    Unique identifier for the referee quest

    state questState (string)

    Possible values: [open, closed]

    id questId (string)

    Unique identifier for Quest

    periodic questPeriodic (string)

    Possible values: [daily, weekly, monthly, hourly]

    userQuestCount integer

    Number of times this quest has been completed.

    data string

    Quest-specific data in JSON format

    referrerQuestId string

    Unique identifier for the referrer quest

    prerequisites questId (string)[]nullable

    List of prerequisite quests that must be completed before starting this quest
