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Update a questType



Update a questType


Path Parameters

    questTypeId questTypeIdrequired

    The questTypeId to update


QuestType data

    category string
    descriptions stringnullable
    checkOnLogin boolean
    data string

    Possible values: >= 2 characters

    title stringnullable
    name string


QuestType successfully updated


    thumbnail urinullable

    URL to the questType's thumbnail image

    name stringrequired

    The name of the function that will get executed for the current QuestType

    id questTypeId (string)

    Unique identifier for QuestType

    data string

    Json containing the params of the questType

    title stringrequired

    The title displayed to the user for the QuestType

    checkOnLogin boolean

    Whether this QuestType should be checked on login or not

    descriptions stringnullable

    Json containing different descriptions for different applications/stages of a quest

    category string

    The class for the current QuestType
