• A custom hook for managing project-related operations.


    • Optional id: string

      Optional project ID. If provided, the hook will fetch the project with this ID.

    Returns UseProjectReturn

    The returning object contains:

    • fetched: Boolean indicating if the project has been fetched
    • project: The current project data.
    • push: ProjectPushMethod - Function to push changes to the project, updating the project data on the server.
    • pushThumbnail: ProjectPushThumbnailMethod - Function to update the project's thumbnail.
    • refresh: ProjectFetchMethod - Function to manually refresh the project data.
    • setConfig: Function to locally update the project configuration state.
    • setThumbnail: Function to set a new thumbnail file in the state.
    • updateConfig: ProjectUpdateConfigMethod - Function to update the project's configuration on the server. It also updates the project's configuration in the local state and update the updatedAt field.
    • pushNewOwner: ProjectPushNewOwnerMethod - Function for transferring ownership of the project to a new owner.
    • updateMembers: ProjectUpdateMembersMethod - Function for updating the project's members.
    • Caching: getProject responses are cached for 60 seconds using the withCache utility to reduce redundant API calls.
    • Effect Trigger: The useEffect hook triggers fetchProject when projectId changes keeping the project data in sync.
    • Error Handling: Errors are logged to the console and re-thrown with additional context for debugging.
    • Update Logic:
      • updateConfig: Updates the project's configuration and clears cached data.
      • pushThumbnail: Uploads a new thumbnail and clears cached data.
      • pushProject: Validates input, creates or updates the project, handles configuration thumbnail updates, and clears cache.


    Example using the useProject hook with in a component with a Demo project ID to fetch and display project details.

    import { useProject } from 'react-playmakers';

    export default function ProjectComponent(){

    // Fetch project details using Demo project ID
    const { project } = useProject('piNhGEaTE');

    // Display project's name
    return (

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