Interface UseProjectReturn

The return type of the useProject hook.


  • Partial<ProjectType>
    • UseProjectReturn


config?: null | string
createdAt?: string
fetched: boolean

Boolean indicating whether the project data has been fetched.

gameEngine?: string
hidden?: boolean
id?: string
members?: {
    [key: string]: string;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string
name?: string
numMonthlyUsers?: number
ownerId?: string
platform?: string
project: null | ProjectType

The current project data. Returns null if no project is loaded.

Function to push changes to the project, updating the project data on the server.

Function for transferring ownership of the project to a new owner.

Function to update the project's thumbnail.

Function to manually refresh the project data.

setConfig: Dispatch<SetStateAction<null | ProjectConfigType>>

Function to locally update the project configuration state.

setThumbnail: ((file) => void)

Type declaration

    • (file): void
    • Function to set a new thumbnail file in the state.


      • file: File

      Returns void

thumbnail?: string

Function to update the project's configuration on the server.

Function for updating the project's members, such as adding or removing collaborators.

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