• Custom hook to manage the fetching and pagination of project data


    • params: {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = {}

      Parameters to customize the API request, such as filters, page, and limit.

      • [key: string]: any

    Returns UseProjectsReturn

    The returning object contains:

    • projects: Array of fetched projects.
    • fetched: A boolean flag indicating whether the projects have been fetched.
    • hasMore: A boolean indicating whether more projects are available to fetch.
    • currentPage: The current page of the pagination.
    • fetchMore: ProjectsFetchMoreMethod - Function to fetch the next page of projects or refresh the current page.
    • refresh: ProjectsRefreshMethod - Function to refresh the project list.
    • Caching: getProjects responses are cached for 60 seconds using withCache to optimize performance and reduce API calls.
    • Effect Trigger: The useEffect hook triggers fetchProjects whenever the params page value changes.
    • Error Handling: Errors during API calls are logged to the console and re-thrown with additional context.
    • State Management:
      • projects: Holds the list of fetched projects.
      • hasMore: Indicates whether there are more projects to fetch.
      • fetched: Tracks whether data fetching is complete.
    • Pagination Logic:
      • fetchProjects: Fetches the initial or refreshed list of projects, updating projects and hasMore.
      • fetchMore: Fetches additional pages of projects, either appending them to the current list or refreshing the last page.
      • Pagination utilities (appendNextPage, refreshLastPage, checkHasMore) are managed by usePagination.


    import { useProjects } from 'react-playmakers';

    // Usage with custom parameters
    const { projects, currentPage, fetched } = useProjects({ page: 1, limit: 10 });

    // Conditional rendering based on fetch status
    if (!fetched) {
    return <LoadingSpinner />;

    return (
    <h2>Projects (Page {currentPage})</h2>
    {projects.map(project => (
    <ProjectCard key={project.id} project={project} />

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