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Shape Analysis

This rule analyzes the shapes present in an image to determine if it is meaningful or just noise (e.g., texture).

Parameter table

shouldHaveShapesnoIf this parameter is set to true, the rule will only accept images with shapes.
If this parameter is set to false, the rule accepts only images classified as noise.

Detailed description

The purpose of RuleShapeAnalysis is to confirm that the image is not noise (such as a texture). It analyzes the shapes present in the image to determine whether the image really makes sense or is just a noisy pattern.

How to setup

This rule evaluates whether the image contains meaningful shapes or is just noise.

The parameter shouldHaveShapes can be set to true if the image must have sense, or false if it can be noise. If omitted, it defaults to true.


sofaThe image should be meaningful with recognizable shapes.
grass0The image should be random noise (e.g., grass texture).