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This rule checks that an image has an exact specified dimension.

Parameter table

widthpxyesThe width of the image in pixels (width).
heightpxyesThe height of the image in pixels (height).


In case the image dimensions do not comply with the specified values, a single correction is performed by resizing the image. The algorithm used for resizing is "nearestNeighbor."

How to setup

This rule evaluates whether an image's dimensions adhere to specified size constraints. Key parameters include:

  • width: The exact width of the image in pixels.
  • height: The exact height of the image in pixels.

All arguments are required.

Creator tips

  • You can investigate the image size by simply checking its properties.
  • You can resize images with simple image editing tools like paint.


Diamond362362The image size should be 362x362.
Minecraft Player256128The image size should be 128x256.