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Min Angle

Checks that all angles in the mesh meet or exceed a specified minimum angle.

Parameter table

minAngle°yesThe minimum angle in degrees that any angle in the mesh must meet or exceed.
meshNamenoThe name of the mesh to be checked.
meshKeyNamenoThe key of the name of the mesh to be checked. This will be used if mesName is undefined.

Detailed description

This rule checks that every angle formed by two edges sharing the same vertex in a mesh is equal to or greater than the specified minimum angle (minAngle). This rule can be used for maintaining the structural integrity and aesthetic quality of the mesh.


If the minimum angle is set to exactly 90°, the correction process involves applying a remesh modifier to transform the mesh into blocks. This is done using an octree depth of 7 to maintain the mesh's visual appearance while adjusting its geometric structure to comply with the angle requirements.

How to setup

The 'Min Angle' rule is used to prevent the occurrence of excessively sharp or narrow features in a mesh by enforcing a minimum angle. Key parameters include:

  • minAngle: This parameter sets the minimum angle (in degrees) between any two edges that share a vertex. Select a value based on the intended detail and structural requirements of your mesh. Consider higher values to prevent sharp features that might cause mesh integrity or aesthetic issues.

Creator tips

To ensure your mesh passes this rule, avoid creating very sharp or narrow features that can result in small angles. When designing the mesh, consider using tools that help monitor and adjust angles dynamically, especially in complex geometries where manual checking might be inefficient or impractical.


torusTorus90A mesh representing a torus containing several angles smaller than 90°.
torus-cubesTorus90A mesh representing a torus turned into cubes