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Triangles Only

Ensures that the mesh consists only of triangles, applying a Triangulate modifier if necessary.

Parameter table

No parameter available.

Detailed description

This rule is designed to ensure that the mesh is exclusively made up of triangles, which is often a requirement for certain applications or rendering engines. Triangulation is essential for maintaining consistent shading and rendering results, especially in real-time graphics and simulation environments.


If the mesh contains polygons other than triangles, the rule automatically applies Blender's Triangulate modifier [] to convert polygons into triangles, ensuring compliance with the rule.

How to setup

The 'Triangles Only' rule verifies that meshes exclusively consist of triangles, which is crucial for compatibility with rendering engines and simulation software.

This rule operates without parameters, automatically converting non-triangular polygons into triangles to ensure compliance with the requirement.

Creator tips

  • When modeling, keep in mind the requirement for triangles.
  • Be cautious when relying on automatic triangulation, as it may not always produce desired results for complex meshes or specific artistic styles. Manual adjustment may be necessary in such cases.


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